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recumbent position

См. также в других словарях:

  • Recumbent bicycle — A recumbent bicycle is a bicycle which places the rider in a supine or semi supine position (rarely, in a prone position). Recumbents hold the world speed record for a bicycle and were banned from international racing in 1934 cite web url =… …   Wikipedia

  • Recumbent — may refer to:* Recumbent bicycle, a bicycle which places the rider in a seated or supine position * Recumbent stone circles, a variation on the more familiar standard stone circles found throughout the UK …   Wikipedia

  • dorsal recumbent position — the patient lies on the back with lower limbs flexed and rotated outward; used in vaginal examination, application of obstetrical forceps, and other procedures …   Medical dictionary

  • lateral recumbent position — Sims p …   Medical dictionary

  • position — 1. An attitude, posture, or place occupied. 2. Posture or attitude assumed by a patient for comfort and to facilitate the performance of diagnostic, surgical, or therapeutic procedures. 3. In obstetrics, the relation of an arbitrarily chosen …   Medical dictionary

  • Recumbent effigy — Infobox musical artist Name = Recumbent Effigy Sculpture in East Hampton, New York Img capt = The tomb of Lion Gardiner in East Hampton (village), New York depicts him in the classic recumbent effigy pose. He is shown wearing knight s armor and… …   Wikipedia

  • recumbent — [rɪ kʌmb(ə)nt] adjective 1》 lying down. 2》 (of a plant) growing close to the ground. noun a bicycle ridden in a reclining position. Derivatives recumbency noun recumbently adverb Origin C17: from L. recumbent , recumbere recline , from re back +… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Recumbent — Vélo couché Un exemple de vélo couché Un vélo couché, aussi appelé bent, vélo horizontal (vélorizontal) ou vélocar, est un véhicule à propulsion humaine conçu de façon que le conducteur soit en position allongée (couché sur le dos, les jambes à l …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Recovery position — The recovery position or more technically known as the lateral recumbent position is a first aid technique recommended for assisting people who are unconscious, or nearly so, but are still breathing. It is frequently taught as part of classes in… …   Wikipedia

  • orthopnea position — the patient either sits upright in a chair or assumes an upright or semivertical position by using two or more pillows to support the head and chest from the recumbent position; used for a patient with orthopnea (difficulty breathing except in… …   Medical dictionary

  • prone, prostrate, recumbent, supine —    Supine means lying face upward (it may help to remember that a supine person is on her spine). Prone and prostrate are regarded by most dictionaries and usage authorities, but by no means all, as meaning lying face downward. (A few say that… …   Dictionary of troublesome word

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